Last Monday (19th) was R.'s 3rd birthday. I thought it would be fun to see how he has grown and changed through pictures.

Here he is at one week old with his new friend Elie. He and Elie are still buddies today.

R. had wavy hair, but sadly it was just not curly enough to let it grow long. Jeremy was very relieved because he was not a fan of having a boy with curls.
1st birthday enjoying his first taste of sweets.
Playing with Daddy at the park. This is a day when our family met Xavier, Karen and E. at the Arbor Hills Preserve. We had a picnic and they introduced us to our first Mooyah burger (so yummy). Now my favorite burger just behind the Burger Joint in NYC. Okay I got a little distracted -back to the birthday boy.
Our funny, expressive and laid back boy. He keeps us smiling!! R. loves, loves, loves The Wiggles! Here he was channeling his inner Captain Feathersword.
At 1 1/2 this became one of his favorite places to play. He loved playing with his friend in the mirror.
2nd birthday - a Mickey Mouse party. At his first birthday, instead of blowing out the candle, he grabbed the "fire" and burned himself. So before his 2nd party we practiced blowing out candles, but as you can see we should have worked on it a little more. Aunt Sloan and Daddy saved his cute little fingers just in time.

This summer, R. spent a few days with Uncle Cameron, Aunt Sloan and the girls. Uncle Cameron has taken up photography and took this amazing picture of him. Look at that face!
We had a little family party on the day of his birthday. We will celebrate with extended family at a later date. Yeah no touching of the candles this year!! R. please forgive mommy for slacking in getting your haircut.
Posing with his proud big brothers!
Hamming it up while opening presents.
A new CD to listen to at bedtime. R. & C. share a room - I am not sure who was more excited about the Imagination Movers CD?
He picked out the cupcakes with the Sesame Street friend rings. As you will see below they loved the neon icing and played a game to see who could make the biggest mess.
He loves mylar balloons! He picked out this one at the store and since his birthday has played with it everyday.
Happy birthday sweet boy - love you!! We are so glad God blessed our family with you.