Sunday, May 25, 2008

Smile in the Mail

Don't you just love getting snail mail from friends? I do! I used to write letters and send notes all the time before email, but since that day in '97 when I got my first dial up AOL account - I really now only send special occasion cards. So Friday when I checked the mail and saw a hand addressed envelope it instantly brought a smile to my face. Here is what I found.

It was a sweet note from Karen. She and my friend Amy are so good at sending cards in the mail for no other reason than just because. I want to send more mail to family and friends, so I am challenging myself to get better at sending notes. So thank you Karen for the fun surprise.

On another note...
Saturday night Jeremy and I were talking about the Chapman's day. I checked their family blog roll and found Steven's managers blog. Jim shares his encounters with the family since the tragedy. He talks about the visitation and also gives a recap of the memorial service (click links to read his thoughts). You can read all of Jim's other posts starting here relating to Maria. Now that the service is over, the family can use our prayers more than ever as the grieving process begins. Please also remember their precious boy in your prayers that God will carry him through this time of healing in his life.

Enjoy your day with your family tomorrow.

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Anonymous said...

Ahh...glad you enjoyed your fun mail. I need to send cards more often too.

I've been reading that blog too and it makes those events so real for me.

His Girl said...

I do so love getting snail mail from folks... I should do it more often!

thanks for the links, too. *sigh* so tragic.

Tamora said...

I found his manager's blog one night from the link you posted. The post were so touching!!

Anonymous said...

I am so sad for this family. I can't even imagine what they are going through!