Friday, May 23, 2008

Recap of Stuff

Today started a four day weekend for my 8 year old. Jeremy is out of town for work, so I encouraged everyone to sleep in this morning. I even put them to bed later than usual just to help them out a bit. No such luck - my 3 year old was up a little before 7 with his big brother not far behind him. Maybe they do not understand the meaning of sleeping in? ;o)

My sweet 19 month old listened to his mother's request and slept until almost 10, but it was not because he wanted to please his mommy, it was because he is sick. Yes, he woke up with fever (my 3 year old is better - his broke yesterday afternoon). I am praying that maybe his will not get as high as his brother's (yesterday it reached 104) and that he will not pass it to his 8 year old brother or to his parents.

Since I am using this as a scrapbook of sorts there are things I need to recap that have happened over the last several days. So bare with me and I hope to not bore you too much. Here we go...

Last Friday Jeremy took the day off from work and he asked me to go play golf with him. Okay, maybe play is too strong of a word, more like ride in the golf cart with him. When we were dating I used to go with him and we would enjoy just spending time together free of distractions. So we took our 8 year old to school and dropped the little guys off at the "babysitting place" (as my 3 year old calls it) and headed to the course. It was a cool beautiful morning and we had a great (relaxing) time together. I was able to even do some reading for our trip to San Diego. As you can see from the pictures I even picked up a club or two.

Saturday I started enjoying my mother's day gift - 24 hours alone to rejuvenate. I know I am completely spoiled but I do not take my sweet husband's generosity for granted - I was thankful for every moment. I spent my time watching old movies (The Truman Show ), making cards, catching up on blogs, enjoying room service a little too much (I had two cream brulees - so good but very bad for my diet) and just a whole lot of nothing.

It was w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l!!

Sunday afternoon our church had baptism and we were able to be there to see our nieces' be baptized. It is such a celebration to see someone be baptized but it was extra special to watch these precious girls publicly say they are going to live their lives for Jesus.

My brother Bruce and his fiance Jen watched the little boys so we could just take our oldest and give him our whole attention. Our big guy asked Jesus into his heart March 21 (Good Friday). It was such a sweet time for Jeremy and I with him, but it almost did not happen because of his fear of the water. He knows that baptism has nothing to do with his salvation but that it is usually the next step - so due to his fear - he almost decided to wait until he was older. We promised him that he could wait until he was ready to be baptized and now we are praying that this will be his summer that God helps him conquer his fear.

After the baptism we celebrated birthdays and mother's day. It was a nice ending to a great weekend.

Finally, on Monday my boys enjoyed the signs of summer with our first days of 90+ degree weather. The baby was not to pleased by the surprise of the sprinkler system coming on, which really disappointed his big brothers because they wanted him to play with them. He decided that he would stay on the sidewalk a safe distance away from the water (he kept repeating "cold"). The popsicle was another story - it was his first one and with his first bite he closed his eyes and said "Mmmm". Of course he did not understand when he kept saying "more" over and over again why I would not give him another one. So the great experience of the popsicle ended in tears.

Well, there you go - a recap. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. :o)

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mer@lifeat7000feet said...


Sorry your little guy is sick now. :(

I LOVE The Truman of my very favorite movies!

How NICE your hubby is to give you that time. I am in need of something like that too!

90 degrees? Already? You just might be in for a long summer.

Sweet baptism pictures, and how great to be there and support family. I love that you're surrounded by lots of family where you live. I miss that a lot sometimes.

Enjoy your long weekend.

And how are things with your house? Any more showings?


Anonymous said...

I love all those pictures! I'm glad you shared them.

His Girl said...

oh man! why? why? why? won't kids sleep in when they can???

I'm so sorry your boys have been sick. ugh.

I love the pic of you "golfing" but more excited am I that you are coming to SAN DIEGO!!!!!!!!! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Your pics of your mother's day gift look FAB. I totally want that for my next gift. HEAVENLY!

Welcome to the kingdom to your son! Hallelujah! The angels, and I , rejoice!!!

Love your recap! Can't wait 'til you're on the coast!

Anonymous said...

THat is an intense weekend! I would love to be in San Diego. What a lovely place! H