Friday, May 2, 2008

Hodgepodge But Mostly About Coupons

Do you ever have a week where you look up and it is already Friday? Well, that is my week and it is not that I have been that busy, it has just gone by so quickly - where does the time go?

The little guy seems to be feeling better. He is still being such a trooper with his breathing treatments. As long as The Wiggles are on TV he will sit still and he has even sat alone a couple of times (without me holding him).

I am so looking forward to this tonight. Our church is hosting a dinner event for married couples and we are using our first non-family babysitter. We have always been so blessed to have family near by who are willing to watch our boys. If any of you are reading this - thank you so much for all the time that you have given to watch and love on our boys over the years. We really appreciate it and are so thankful for you all. Now I know some of you are thinking WHAT - they have never paid for a sitter? Well we have used a great hourly drop in child care service but not someone in our home. We have found a fantastic girl in our church who is keeping them tonight.

Okay so the main reason for this post...

I have been reading two blogs (The Bargain Lady Shopper and Money Saving Mom) for a couple of months - both are about saving money at the store. So far I have been just reading them, but not using their information when we go to the store. Jeremy and I have been talking over the last couple of weeks that we are not really bargain shoppers when we buy food and think we can do so much better.

Then this week Meredith (Life at 7000 Feet) did her "Question of the Week" post on Coupon Clipping. I have been thinking about that post all week and I am ready to take the plunge into cost cutting when we go grocery shopping but I need your help. Here are some questions I would LOVE for you to answer.

~Do you just get your coupons out of the Sunday paper?

~If so, do you just buy the Sunday paper at the store or do you subscribe (trying to figure out what is more cost effective)?

~How do you use your coupons? Do you use a website like The Grocery Game to get the most out of your coupons? Or do you just take what you find in the paper to the store with you each week?

~Do any of you play the CVS game that the Money Saving Mom does on her blog? Leah, I think you do - how does it work?

~Do you take advantage of the double, triple coupon deals that Grocery Stores offer (do they still do that?)? Or do you take your coupons to one store (Target or Wal*Mart) and just take what they give you?

~Lastly, do you look at the store circulars that come in the mail and then grocery store hop to get the best deals?

I would REALLY appreciate any feedback you can give me in this area. Thanks!

I hope you and your family have a spectacular weekend.
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mer@lifeat7000feet said...


I just got back from my 2-week grocery shopping trip. I saved $34 in coupons.

I had some good resonse to my question this week, and I had several people wanting more info, so I'm going to do an entire post on coupon clipping soon. Can you wait a few days until I have it up????

Enjoy your date tonight! How fun!

His Girl said...

I get an "F" in coupon clipping too!

Halfmoon Girl said...

We don't have a lot of big stores here, but I shop on monthly discount days.

Anonymous said...

I did a shopping post too :)

There are so many great blogs out there that do such a terrific job on coupons, bargains, etc.

I put one pay service that I have heard about on my blog but I know there are others.

Hope you find a system that works for you.

Many Blessings,

Debbie aka The Real World Martha(S)