Monday, May 12, 2008

Quiet Around Here...

I did not mean to "go dark" (a little Alias reference - loved that show) without any notice. Last week was just crazy. I also was not feeling very bloggy - it was a hard week (I'll share more later). I have so many of your blog posts to read - I hope to get caught up this week.

We spent the weekend with our nieces and we had a great time. They are such a joy and are at the age where they basically take care of themselves and our boys as well. The boys loved having a sleep over and kind of felt like they were on a trip since we stayed at their house. They loved playing with girls and everyone was so nice to each other. So nice...

Isn't our 18 month old so cute sitting at the table with the big kids? He loves to get right in there with them, no matter what they are doing. He also learned how to say the girls names this weekend. He is growing up too fast.

I had a wonderful Mother's day. I received lots of sweet gifts and beautiful cards. One of my favorites is the card that Jeremy gave me (the one with the feet) because it is very apropos. Our oldest made me two handmade cards and at school his class made all their mom's a cookbook with a collection of their favorite recipes. Our guy chose this for his contribution. I adore cookbooks and this one I will cherish forever. My thoughtful husband sent me tulips (my fav) and the boys (& Jeremy) gave me another gift that I will blog about at a later date. I hope all you mom's had a memory filled Mother's Day. :o) I have not given up on my weigh-ins - I will post tomorrow about how I am doing. I have many other things to blog about so I will catch up over the next week.

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His Girl said...

we had both 'gone dark' there for a little while- I'm curious about your teasers! can't wait to read more!

ps- don't you just LOVE Vaughn? *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back...missed you!