Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Post about Nothing...

Wii got the feva - oh - I know that is so corny - but I could not help myself. I am so very sorry...

We have been looking for a Wii since after Christmas, since several of our friends told us about how much fun their family has had together playing games on it. As I type Jeremy is playing Guitar Hero III, I have to admit so far my uncoordinated, rhythm challenged self is not very good (okay I am really bad) at Guitar Hero - but I am not giving up - I am determined to master at least one song on the easy level. We have enjoyed playing tennis, bowling and boxing. You can get an upper body workout with these games - I am not going to lie, I was so sore after a long night of boxing and playing tennis. I know eventually they will come out with a game that is a complete 30 minute (fun) body workout and I will be first in line to buy it. Here are some pictures of the boys playing (please ignore the walls as we are in the process of sprucing up the place).

We spent Saturday with Jeremy's family - he had relatives in town and we did an early birthday party for our soon to be 8 year old boy. I brought my friend Allison's salad to lunch - it has become one of my favorites. We are reaching a milestone this year - our oldest was excited to get gift cards instead of wrapped gifts. In years past, cards were tossed aside for the gift, but this year he actually read the cards and was excited about the money and gift cards, because he wanted to buy a game for the Wii. Jeremy's Aunt gave him a Marshmallow gun that he loved - it is different than his other one, as you shoot the marshmallows out like a spit wad. The boys loved playing with their cousins - we live in the same town and even go to the same church, but do not get together like we should. It was a fun day, as you can see from the pictures below, and the baby even got many bites (straight from the cake) from Jeremy's granny (is he spoiled or what?).

Once we were home I checked the mail and I was excited that I had mail from His Girl. Two readers of her blog won a little giveaway that she had in honor of her 100th post. Here is what was in my package.

I can not tell you how happy I am to have these scripture cards! The fact that she took time to pray about which verses to send me and then personalized them means so much (and the verses are spot on for me). I love them so much that my co-leader and I are going to give personalized scripture cards to the ladies at our table at the end of the semester. Thank you so much for the cards A. - what a blessing! :o)

I think I may be in the minority, but I was excited about the time change. Okay maybe the first night was hard losing that hour of sleep, but now that that is over -I love it! It makes me happy that we have more time to do things outside as a family in the evening. It also means Spring is on its way - ah my favorite season. Today after a very strange morning of pea soup fog (I'm not kidding while driving to Bible Study I could maybe see 20 yards in front of me) it turned out to be a beautiful Spring day. While driving home from lunch with Jeremy, I noticed trees and plants budding and it made me smile. One thing I enjoy about Spring is that I can open all the windows and let fresh air in - I love hearing the birds singing, the children playing outside and feeling the breeze (does that sound a little Pollyannaish?). While making dinner tonight ,we had a minor incident that thankfully ended with a break in cooking for a time to play outside instead of a visit to the Emergency Room. You would think that I would have learned from the older two that you can not leave a toddler by an open window. He pushed the screen out and after being alerted by my 3 year old that his brother had fallen out of the window I found him just like this - he was so proud of himself. After making sure he was okay, I had to grab my camera.

Well, if you have made it to the end of this rather long (and I admit probably boring) random post you must be a true friend or my parents. :o)

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His Girl said...

I for one loved this post!

I think wii need to get one of them wii things here too. they look like a blast.

SO glad you liked the scripture cards. I hope they will remind you about how much our Lord loves us!

I'm liking the change too, even though I still haven't been going to bed early enough. These mornings are KILLING ME still.

And your baby falling out the window? SO SO SO scary... but the resulting pic is so stinkin' cute, it restarted my heart that had all.the.way.stopped til that point. I have an unnatural fear of my kids plummeting to their death from one of the windows in this house. SO much that I never open the ones upstairs. What a chicken I am.

blessings on your day!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...


I love that last pic of your little guy in the window. Looks like he was actually kinda proud of himself!

Do you love your Wii? We have bowling and pool tournaments almost every night after dinner. My son wants guitar hero III so bad he can't stand it, but he has to save some more $$. He just bought one called Wii Play that is really fun--it has lots of different games on it like fishing, obstacle course, laser hockey,etc, AND it came with an extra contoller.

LOVE the scripture cards. That was so sweet of her to make for you!

Cute photos of your sis in law and her girls! Tell her I said hello!


Anonymous said...

I like the time change to. I hope ya'll have a great spring break. I leave in the morning to go to mom and dads. Take care!!


Leah Belle said...

Looks like you all have been having lots of fun at your house.

Love the scripture cards! What a great idea....I'll have to do that for the middle school girls I teach in SS.

Tamora said...

I am so glad he is okay!!! how scary!

I love the time change also. I feel like I have a few hours left of my day when I get home. the warmth and "spring" in the air is making me smile too! My grass is greening up and my flowers are blooming!

As Ashtyn and I are sitting here reading your blog, we were talking about getting a WII also. Did you find a deal on one? I do'nt even know where to begin.

:*) Enjoy today, it should be very nice!