Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bible Study Girls

Tuesday was our last meeting with my Bible study group until September. Eight of the twelve of us met at Corner Bakery for an end of the semester social. Kim (1st pic - white shirt) and I co -lead together and we had never met before we began serving together. We were both a little reserved at first, but we have become great friends. I am looking forward to leading with her again next year. As a matter of fact most of our group were new to our church (including myself) and had never met before. These girls have become very special to me and I am so happy that our small group will be together for two more semesters (y'all, I almost wrote 'nother - as in "a whole 'nother year". I have been sitting here thinking "I say that - how country am I"? Oh my goodness). In the Fall we will be studying The Patriarchs by Beth Moore. My first study of Beth's was Jesus the One and Only that I did with Karen and some other friends from our previous church (waves to Lisa C). Of all her studies it is still probably my favorite. I love the in depth study that you get with a Beth study - God always teaches me so much.

For the girls end of the year sussy (Jeremy *hates* that word so I just had to use it) we copied this gift that I received from His Girl (she said it was okay). The Scripture books turned out much better than we could have imagined. I did the cards (Jeremy helped) and Kim added the ribbons and ring. The girls really liked them- thanks so much A. for the idea!

Speaking of Corner Bakery...

I decided the night before to pick what I was going to eat so I could stay in my points for the day - I was shocked what I found. I do not want to rain on anyone's parade if you love Corner Bakery but have you ever looked at their nutritional guide? If you want to keep eating there - then definitely DO NOT LOOK. I did not want to ruin it for the girls, so I bit my tongue and enjoyed my Fresh Berry Parfait. ;o)

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PS - For helpful nutritional value for your favorite foods or restaurants check out Calorie Counter.


Anonymous said...

Jesus the One and Only is one of my all time favorite Bible studies too! Right now I am doing a book study called "Calm my Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow--boy is God really speaking to me on that one! I think you would like it too. It's an easy read and can be done without a group study.
Love you! Lisa

His Girl said...

Wowee. I can't believe I hadn't commented on these! I'm so so so behind!!!

Glad your friends liked the cards- I love that He is using that idea to bless more people! so so so happy!