Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

I love this picture! It was taken after her precious baby girl was born.

Leah Belle and I met in June of 1992 at Glorieta Conference Center, we were there to work in the Preschool area as summer staffers. We enjoyed exploring Santa Fe, hiking, shopping, sun bathing, trips to Albuquerque and eating Mexican food with all our new friends that we made that summer. We all went back to our Universities, but decided to return to Glorieta for a second summer in 1993. I probably have Leah to thank that Jeremy and I are married today (remember the writing in the sand?). After our 2nd summer, we became roommates with our friend Janell in an apartment in Fort Worth. I have so many wonderful memories while living with the girls - what a great time in my life.

16 years, 2 weddings and 5 children later - Leah is still one of my very dearest friends. Sadly we have not seen each other in years, but we have kept in touch through emails, phone calls and now our blogs (thanks Leah for introducing me to blogging). Maybe someday we can take a Sisterchicks' trip together! Happy Birthday my sweet friend! Love Ya!!

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Karla Porter Archer said...

look how cute the two of you are!!

Happy Birthday, Leah!!

(that top photo is gorgeous!)

Leah Belle said...

somehow i missed this post until now....thanks so much. what a sweet post. I too hope we can get together soon. I treasure our friendship!

BTW, I didn't write in sand...I scratched it in stone. He kept saying something about wanting to see it in stone (he was scared to take the plunge). I'm glad he finally got up the nerve to ask you out!:) Glad too I can kinda take credit for it!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I came here to look for a recipe and saw this post...which I somehow missed earlier this week! Happy Belated Birthday, Leah! I love that you guys have stayed friends for such a long time. You're both sweeties.