Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baby Fix

Wednesday I kept Karen's baby while she went on a field trip with her oldest daughter's class. It was honestly a joy to spend part of my day with this precious little one. She was so easy and it was awesome holding her and getting to feed a baby a bottle again. That smell - there is just nothing like the sweet smell of a baby!

Just look at that face!!

Our 4 year old was glad he had a few minutes with her before school.
He loves babies! He kept kissing her head, so naturally I had to get a picture.
While the baby was napping he drug her car seat into the family room. He was so proud that he could get in by himself. Not too long ago he fit in a seat just like this - how is he almost 2 already?
Of course being boys they made a fort out of the playpen. They said "Mom take a picture of us for your blog ". So I did. :o)

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Amy said...

PRECIOUS!!! One of our MOPS moms just got choosen to adopt. So come November 20 (when the baby girl is born) I have dibs on holding and smelling the precious thing. Nothing like those little bitty joys.

Gretchen said...

I can't believe they're so aware of your blog that they want their pictures taken for it. Too cute.:) They are also just dear. What a cute baby girl, too. I can smell her little baby smell from here.

care-in said...

Ahhh! I am so glad you could watch her for me. Your boys are so sweet!

the voice of melody said...

Children - aren't they the best? Your boys look so adorable!


mer@lifeat7000feet said...

You're such a sweet friend, Jenn! And I love that your boys want you to "take a picture for your blog". Priceless!

care-in said...

Came looking for that eyebrow brush and found this post...can't believe how much she's grown!