Friday, July 25, 2008

Family of 5 plus 2 hitting the road!

We are almost ready to go! All that is left is one last errand, getting the house ready for an Open House (your prayers would be appreciated - we are so ready to sale!) on Saturday and loading the car.

First stop the parent's house! I am glad my mom and dad are going with us - the boys are looking forward to some mommal and popple time. I am excited about our family trip and I will be sure to bore you with the details later. ;o)

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mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Be safe, have fun, and I'll see ya soon!

care-in said...

Have fun...can't wait to hear about your trip.

Gretchen said...

I sure miss colorful CO! Have a grand time. Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

His Girl said...

*falls on floor in fit of jealousy*
*smiles sweetly* have a good time!!!


lisa said...

if you have time, we should get together once you get here. let me know! be safe!

good luck on the sale of your house. we're in the same boat. STILL paying for our plano place. ugh.

His Girl said...