Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Winner...

Thanks everyone for the great ideas for our book problem! I am looking forward to seeing what works best for us. I will take pictures of the finished project when I get it done.

Karen, I will send you the Gift Card by the weekend. Congratulations!

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Sing4joy said...

Hey Jenn,
I'm in a slump and completely missed your bookshelf giveaway! I was thinking though, that it might be interesting to do the basket thing AND still leave some of the books on the shelves. For example, the hardbound books can stand well and you can use a basket as a bookend and holder for the floppier books. I was thinking it would make the bookshelf more visually interesting and give you a little of both worlds for the kids to work with.

Anonymous said...

ahhhh...thanks! I can't wait!